

NAPI (“new API,” though it is not so new anymore) is an interrupt mitigation mechanism used with network devices.




When network traffic is heavy, the kernel can safely predict that incoming packets will be available anytime it gets around to looking, so there is no need to have the adapter interrupting it (possibly thousands of times per second) to tell it about those packets. So a NAPI-compliant driver will turn off the packet receive interrupt and provide a poll() method to the kernel. When the kernel is ready to deal with more packets, poll() will be called with a maximum number of packets it is allowed to feed into the kernel; it should process up to that many packets and quit.

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  1. Reworking NAPI
  2. Newer, newer NAPI
  3. NAPI
  4. Linux网络协议栈:NAPI机制与处理流程分析(图解)
  5. NAPI 内核机制与驱动实现
  6. Linux 网络数据接收流程(TCP)- NAPI
  7. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Network Performance Tuning Guide