The answer from quora:

Network ingress and egress are terms used in networking to describe the direction of network traffic. In general, ingress refers to network traffic that enters a network or a device, while egress refers to network traffic that exits a network or a device.

For example, when you browse a website, the data packets that are sent from the website’s server to your browser are considered ingress traffic for your device and egress traffic for the server. Conversely, the data packets that are sent from your browser to the website’s server are considered egress traffic for your device and ingress traffic for the server.

The answer from chatgpt:

Network ingress and egress refer to the movement of data into and out of a network. Ingress: This refers to the incoming data traffic that enters a network from an external source, such as the internet or another network. Egress: This refers to the outgoing data traffic that leaves a network to an external destination, such as the internet or another network. In networking, understanding and managing network ingress and egress is important for maintaining the security, performance, and efficiency of a network.