本文将简要地介绍Kernel mode-setting。


Mode setting is a software operation that activates a display mode (screen resolution, color depth, and refresh rate) for a computer’s display controller.

In kernel mode-setting (KMS), the display mode is set by the kernel. In user-space mode-setting (UMS), the display mode is set by a userland process.

Kernel mode-setting is more flexible and allows displaying of an error in the case of a fatal system error in the kernel, even when using a user-space display server.

内核级显示模式设置 (KMS) ,作用是可以在内核级别而不是最终用户级别切换显示分辨率和颜色深度。

Regulating access to the hardware is a fundamental kernel task. The Direct Rendering Manager and KMS are part of the Linux kernel. The KMS does only the mode setting.


  1. What is i915.modeset=1 for?
  2. Mode setting
  3. Kernel mode setting)