
之前总结过计算机启动相关知识点,但是读完UEFI boot: how does that actually work, then?之后,理解又加深了。

计算机到底如何启动?UEFI boot: how does that actually work, then?做了相关总结,可以结合着看。

因为之前接触了efibootmgr,所以记录一下。 (Linux distributions contain a tool called efibootmgr which is used to manipulate the configuration of the UEFI boot manager)。


  • EFI spec规定的run time service,由uefi提供
  • ACPI table
  • SMM(system management mode)

PI Boot Flow

在虚拟化场景中,不得不提OVMF。OVMF is an EDK II based project to enable UEFI support for Virtual Machines.

ovmf whitepaper