本文将mark下Cuckoo hashing相关notes。

1. Why

Cuckoo hashing is a scheme for resolving hash collisions of values of hash functions in a table(解决表中哈希函数值的哈希碰撞问题), with worst-case constant lookup time.

2. What

The name derives from the behavior of some species of cuckoo, where the cuckoo chick pushes the other eggs or young out of the nest when it hatches(这一名称源于某些种类杜鹃的行为,即杜鹃雏鸟在孵化时会将其他蛋或幼鸟推出巢外); analogously, inserting a new key into a cuckoo hashing table may push an older key to a different location in the table.

3. How

In the basic variant of Cuckoo hashing we use two hash tables T1 and T2 of equal size, and we index them with the hash functions h1, respectively h2. Here are the main operations:

Search couldn’t be easier: an element x can exist in one of two locations: in T1 at position h1(x) or in T2 at position h2(x). We can check both locations in constant time.

3.2 Delete

Delete is similarly easy: we look at the two possible locations, and if the element is there, we delete it.

3.3 Insert

Insert is a bit trickier: we put x in T1[h1(x)]. If there was some element y stored in that location, y must be evicted (thus the name “cuckoo” hashing). We put y in its other valid location T2[h2(y)]. If that location is occupied by some element z, we have to evict z and insert it in its other valid location T1[h1(z)]. We continue like this until we find an empty place and the process finishes, or until we give up because because we ran into a loop. If the latter happens, we conclude that insert failed, we stop and we rehash everything with new hash functions (increasing the table sizes if the tables are getting too full).

4. 算法细节





5. 布谷鸟哈希表 vs 桶链式哈希表

6. 总结

cuckoo hashing适合空间需求量大,对读性能要求高,对写性能相对低,操作比例读为主写为辅的场景。理由是基于Cuckoo hashing的优点和缺点。

6.1 优点

  • 哈希表本身的空间利用率高:当表宽为1(也就是只使用1个hash表)时,最大load factor(多少空间被利用)大概率能到50%;实验显示表宽大于4以后,load factor大概率能到95%

  • 查询可以使用两次读完成:表宽不大的情况下,两次(可并行)的cacheline read就能完成一个查询。相比之下查询链式哈希表可能有多次pointer dereference,查询时间方差会大过cuckoo hashing

6.2 缺点

  • 插入操作的复杂度大:当表接近其最大load factor时,会有很多次kick out操作才能完成一次插入

  • 读写的高并发算法复杂:不像链式哈希表,每个bucket放一把读写锁就可以实现细粒度的读写并发,cuckoo hashing的写会涉及到多个且事先不预知的bucket,抢锁会复杂


  1. Cuckoo Hashing Visualization
  2. Cuckoo hashing paper
  3. Wikipedia
  4. baeldung:Cuckoo Hashing
  5. 布谷鸟哈希和布谷鸟过滤器
  6. 布谷鸟哈希(Cuckoo hash)
  7. Cuckoo hashing主要适合在哪些场景使用?